Christmas is coming
I've already headed face-first into a Pret Christmas sandwich, and the kids made me put the lights up this weekend. But beneath the surface, this time of year is loaded with pressure. Everyone's different, situations vary, but that feeling of pressure seems to be universal.
I'll be honest with you, I've fallen out with Christmas once already this month, and we're not even a week in. There was even a dramatic rant where putting the wheely bins away became symbolic of a period of time where freedom and autonomy can feel lost. I mean, I put those fuckers back where they belong and got on with my life, but Christmas can do weird things to people.
Practice is where I find balance, sense, and mental rest - particularly right now. From trying to wrap up work-loads for the year, to making sure family and friends feel loved, our focus is very external right now. So it's good to have yoga practice to turn to, even if it's just a short self practice. It can help keep us (and the wheely bins) in check.