
Shit comes up in yoga but it's not a case of 'being prepared for it', more the art of having no expectations. Kinda like, 'everything is a surprise, because everything is temporary.' Whether it's frustration or elation in your physical progress, or a moment of clarity that blindsides you while laying in savasana, yoga can catch you off guard in more ways than one.

You may have noticed this in your own practice. One week you make the bind in a certain pose, seven days later – it's gone. Sometimes you can step onto the mat feeling strong and focussed, only to find your concentration waver, and stamina drop. What fucks you over in either event, is expectation.

If we arrive with no expectations, we can notice the surprises in our practice. The subtle shifts and changes taking place as we move, breathe and sweat. We might come to the mat feeling tired and lethargic, only to leave feeling fresh and energised. Perhaps you lean into an arm balance not expecting much, but all of a sudden you get lift-off, and you're in it.

Expectations numb us to the finer details of what's going on, and its connection with the ego can lead to injury and ultimately, disappointment. I hope you don't have an expectation for an ending to this. Bye.


On self practice

