On self practice
Self practice can be a little daunting if you aren't used to it. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Which poses are most important? Am I doing a balanced practice? Have I missed anything important?
There's no hard and fast rules really. Start with sun salutation A and B to ease into things and warm up. These small mini-sequences alone give you forward folds, back arches and hip openers. It's well rounded. It works. You could follow these up with the ashtanga standing sequence, or move through some postures you particularly enjoy or feel your body needs. Maybe time's short so you just bust through some sun salutations and get on with your day, maybe you want to practice those hand stands.
Try to listen in and pay attention to what's going on in your body. Where is the tension? Can I shift it, or move through it with the breath? Where's my mind at? Can I create some space mentally through a short practice on the mat?
As always, it's through repetition that we find adaptation. Even just a few minutes on the mat is something to be stoked about. Doing something for yourself, pausing, putting the brakes on for enough time to recognise yourself for a minute. It's powerful shit, and often goes overlooked and under utilised.
You're on your own, but that's ok. You got you.